Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Food You Eat Will Decide How You Breathe!

It’s very surprising for most people that the food they eat affects their breathing and health of their lungs. We know that our body uses food as fuel. Also, a single nutrient cannot help us to fulfil our body’s requirements and we need multiple nutrients from all food groups i.e. a healthy and balanced diet.

How food is related to breathing

The process of changing food into fuel is called metabolism. In this process oxygen and food are raw materials and carbon dioxide is waste material which we exhale. Carbohydrate food when catabolised releases maximum amounts of carbon dioxide as compared to fat. So, in case of COPD patients, it sometimes becomes beneficial to eat food with less carbohydrates as it can help to breathe easier.

Our lungs work tirelessly to keep our system going so it is necessary to give importance to proper care of the lungs for proper functioning. Inflammation of lungs makes breathing difficult and leads to congestion. In today’s polluted environment it becomes even more important to focus on one’s nutrition.

Nutrition Recommendations

Diet plays an important role for healthy lungs. Choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables. If you are obese or overweight, try to lose weight and achieve an healthy BMI. Obesity causes substantial changes to the mechanics of lungs and chest wall which can lead to difficulty in breathing, exercise intolerance and worsening of asthma and  asthma like symptoms. Being Underweight is not directly related to poor lungs health but it leads to weakened immune system which makes you more prone to infectious and communicable diseases. Limit intake of simple carbs like sugars, cakes, soft drinks, candies etc.

Increase the intake of fibres to approximately 20 to 30 g each day. Take a good amount of proteins each day from natural sources, e.g. eggs, milk, meat, fish, nuts, etc. A good intake of protein will help you to make your respiratory muscles strong. Try to take healthy fats like canola oil, rice bran oil, olive oil etc. instead of saturated fats like margarine, butter, ghee, cookies, pastries, hydrogenated fats (like vanaspati ghee) etc.

Avoid foods that cause gas or bloating as they can further lead to difficulty in breathing and uneasiness.

Try to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet as these are rich source of vitamins and mineral which will help you to enhance your immune system and help you fight off chest infections.

Increase the intake of dairy products as these are rich in proteins and calcium. During COPD treatment there are chances of deficiency of calcium.

Try to limit the use of salt as excessive salt intake can cause edema (or swelling of the body) and lead to high blood pressure.

Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated – at least 8 – 10 glasses per day. But in case of pulmonary hypertension consult your physician first on how much fluids you can take.

Consider adding a nutritional supplement at night-time to avoid feeling full during the day.

So adding healthy foods to your diet will give longer life to your organs. Before starting any diet consult your dietician and physician as diet should be tailored to you as per your body’s requirements call us: 0172-4911000, 9779030507.

                                 Eat right with every bite..



Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lung Transplantation for End-stage Lung

An end-stage lung condition is defined as lung destruction leading to extensive respiratory disability and a state of crippling. Such a patient is completely bed-ridden and continuous oxygen dependent. The patients get severely malnourished, lose muscle mass and weight. In recent times, there is a significant increase in prevalence of end-stage lung problems and oxygen dependence especially after the COVID pandemic. Such a condition frequently results from some of the following common conditions:

1.      Extensive post-COVID lung fibrosis

2.      Progressive fibrosing illnesses of the lungs due to interstitial lung diseases

3.      Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

4.      Vascular Lung Disease,  Primary pulmonary hypertension

5.      Other chronic diseases: Suppurative Lung Disease, Cystic fibrosis,  Bronchiectasis

Patients with end-stage lungs can be helped with several modalities besides the routine drug treatment such as the Respiratory Rehabilitation; Yoga and pranayama therapy; Breathing exercises; Nutrition support and muscle building; Psychological supports

Lung transplantation: Lung transplantation is offered as a last hope for some of such patients available at a few select centres, mostly in South India. Lung transplantation requires a large infra-structure and plan for availability of the organs besides the expertise and the costs.

Patients who are fit for lung transplant need to be carefully selected and undergo preoperative pulmonary physiotherapy and RR so that they can get best results from the transplant

These patients also need a long term post operative physiotherapy and rehabilitation program so that the advantages of transplant can be maintained. They also require regular surveillance for early signs of rejection and other complications with help of blood investigations, radiology, bronchoscopy and biopsies.